Well this is the only picture a I have of myself because I don't have a scanner.
It is a picture from SHIT 97 ( Irc Party ), and I was drunk as an ox,  I climbed
to the stage, and the same second Bero ( the guy who organized SHIT ) climbed
too, and held a intro speech. Ah well and that's where the picture came from. :))
Funny ain't it. Ah whatever soon I'll get a scanner so there will be a better picture
of me and my friends. Hm .now this page is about me then there should me some
info about me, ok here goes, are you ready :). I'm 17 years old, and i like beer, irc,
and parties. You can find me on several irc servers like
  irc.carnet.hr on channels #croatia, #rulerijada, #glipu by NickName ZiPPo
efnet on channels #warez etc. by NickName ZiPPo
irc.stealth.net by on channels #croatia ..hehe .. guess NickName ZiPPo .. :-)
Well this is all because I don't like to write long and boring stories.. etc.
This is all tune in next time, same http://, same .. oh shut up!!! :-)